Friday, January 25, 2008

Wounded Knee Outline

I. Introduction

A. Thesis

B. Trip to monument shows where the massacre happened and the monument to honor those killed. (source 1)

C. The documentary shows how extreme the massacre was and makes it seem more real. (source 2)

D. The paragraph tells the hard facts and dates of the massacre. (source 3)

E. Even though this event happened years ago, the same issues are still going today.

II. Body

A. Wounded Knee was an extremely brutal and violent event, at the end of many different acts discrimination.

B. One video showed how soliders would call out little children from hiding and tell them they were safe, but really just got them to come out to kill them. (source 2)

C. Even though millions of native americans were killed severely bad, the white men didn't care that much. This was shown by the not so elaborate monument that they put up in honour of the native americans deaths. (source 1)

D. Some of the U.S 7th calvary got drunk one night and decided to harrass the native americans who killed their leader, Custer. There wasn't any real justice to this harsh harrassment other than that reason. (source 3)

E. All of these details show just some of the extremes that the native americans had to endure just becuase of their race and that the army simply didn't like them or understand them.

III. Conclusion

A. Wounded Knee was just one of the brutal ending attacks on the native americans in the U.S

B. This made me realize that although the same exact things aren't happening today, there are still traces of racism and has been all through history.

C. I learned that we U.S. citizens have had a past of extreme disliking of anyone who wasn't just like us.

D. The soliders of this time really didn't understand who the native americans really were or what they're culture was like.

E. Our country should really look and see that we have done some really bad things and that in some aspects these issues are still going on today.

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