Thursday, November 15, 2007

Battle of Stalingrad

1. What does Joseph Stalin's advice to the people of Stalingrad say about him as a leader?
It says that he really didn't care about his people, but it also shows that he wants them to stay tough. This is because he tells them to never give up or retreat, and if they did they would be killed.

2. Explain why Hitler would react in the way shown after signing a Non-Aggression Pact with Stalin?
Because, he wanted to prove to Stalin that him and his army were undestructable. He wanted to prove this so badly that he would scarifice the many innoccent people killed in the bombings.

3. Explain the significance of propaganda in this battle, using examples from the posters.
The posters put up by the people of Russia showed that they were fighting back at the Germans. For example, in one poster there is a picture of a lion getting stabbed through the tounge with a spear-like thing. But, there was more signifigance to this than meets the eye. Because the lion was a german and the spear had the sign for the russians. The russians believed that they would defeat the germans before they could get to them.

4. What do the extremes of the war reveal about what it takes to win a total war?
All of the hard times the townspeople went through shows how important it is to never give up on yourselves or your country in a time of dispair. The extremes show that in order to win you have to be dedicated and you have to be willing to stick it out even in the hard times.The people of Stalingrad were determined not to give up and they were set on staying through everything and fighting.

5. How does the story of Vasily Zaitsev relate to the war in Iraq?
In both places there are a lot of men lost and they had to go to using secret shooters in order to go in and defeat. Also, in both situations the men have to be very careful and precise about when and where they shoot.

6. In times of crisis, sometimes heroic figures emerge. Which figure emerged in a similar way to Vasily after the terrorist attacks of 9/11?
The firefighters were the ones who emerged as great heroic figures after 9/11. This was because they were the people who had to go into the trade centers first and risk their lives and well beings just so other men and women could get out safely and get to home to their families, even if that meant themselves not getting home.

12. Does the Soviet reaction to victory seem reasonable to you? (Be specific)
I could not get this chapter to open for me.

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