Friday, October 19, 2007

Exam #2

The Colombian Exchange transformed the world in a more radical(favoring drastic political, economic, or social reforms: radical ideas; radical and anarchistic ideologues) way than any other development in world history. One significant effect of this process(A continuous action, operation, or series of changes taking place in a definite manner: the process of decay) was the establishment of the Triangle Trade. While many factors were a part of the Triangle Trade, the rapid growth in both supply and demand for new commodities was the largest motivating element. This time period may be best associated(anything usually accompanying or associated with another; an accompaniment or concomitant) with economic developments, but it is impossible to analyze(to examine carefully and in detail so as to identify causes, key factors, possible results, etc.) this period without considering the intense social impact that the Triangle Trade had on those involved. In truth, a full understanding can only be gained by appreciating (To be fully conscious of; be aware of; detect: to appreciate the dangers of a situation) how economic and social factors(One that actively contributes to an accomplishment, result, or process) impact each other in history.

My Paragraph
The time when Europe was trading goods with America and also America trading with Europe. This was called the Colombian Exchange, it made a very radical difference in the world, more so than any other event in history. One of the things that contributed to this event was something called the Triangle Trade. It started in 17th Century, there was a kind of three step process: First, goods such as weapons, liquors and manufactured goods from Europe to Africa in exchange for slaves. Then they went to America and the Caribbean and gave them slaves for raw goods like tobacco, sugar, rum, cotton etc and brought it back into Europe. The way that the routes went formed a triangle shape, therefore it was named the Triangle Trade. The driving force in this was the supply and demand for the commodities, such as Sugar. Since the demand, or want, for sugar was up and the supply, or amount, of sugar was down the people who made it needed more slave workers to pick and manufacture the sugar. Some good things that came of this was the economic, or money, growth and the impacts the Triangle Trade had on social life. The only way you could understand how this time period and trading impacted the world is looking at how social and economic factors in history work together and understanding it.

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