Thursday, June 12, 2008

Final Essay 2

The Battle of Saratoga is often called the turning point of the war. It was a 3-prong attack on the colonies who were in Albany, New York. Orginally Gen. Burgoyne, Gen. Howe and St. Leger were going to come in on all sides and attack the colonials. But it turned out that Gen. Howe wanted to attack and take Philidelphia so he decided to go there instead. St. Leger had gotten scared off by Benedict Arnold's resistance so he didn't continue down the Mohawk River. Even though 2 or the 3 prongs didn't come as planned this battle was what made lots of people view Americans as a big threat military wise. This battle also proved to the French that it was worthwhile for them to make an alliance with the United States. When looking back on this battle many say it is the turning point of the Revolutionary war for us.

Many people always say well what if this had happened or what if this was changed. The same can be said about this battle, what if Howe and St. Leger had actually showed up for the attack. If the generals could have stuck with the plans and not been scared off than the attack might have gone off without a hitch. This one little change could have made us lose the french as an ally in the war. It also could have helped the British pull ahead of us and they might have won the war. Essensiantly this one change in history could have changd the entire furture of our counrty. Saratoaga wouldn't have been considered the turning point of the war and we could have ultimately lost the war because of the lack of french alliance.

Today when looking back on the battle of Saratoga people say that is is where the Americans really pulled ahead in the war. But, there is always the question of what if the entire 3 prongs had come? We definately wouldn't have gained the French assistance. Besides just changing the past, it would change our current country. America might not have won the war and there is the possibility that British would still rule the country. We also might not have good relations with the French as we do now. We see Saratoga as the point that our counrty turned the Revolutionary War around.

Final Essay 1

Throughout our country's history we have experienced many wars in order to further ourselves and get into a better place, whether it be financially, socially or geographically. It is easy to see that war can help to achieve these goals, it is an unnecessary evil. War is one of the times that can bring the absolute worst or the absolute best out of people. There are many different reasons of course why people fight, but there are a few things that seem to be the main influences throughout time.

First it would have to be nationalism, every country thinks that theirs is the best in the world, and some would go to war just to prove it. For example, England, during the American Revolution King George thought that he could control every move and decision the colonists in America made. Even though he might have thought he was helping, all he was doing was making matters worse. Soon people began getting angry at the taxes and things he was putting on them and they began to rebel. Instead of trying to talk things out, both sides decided they had to go to war just to prove it. Although it turned out well for our country in the end, it could have saved many lives by just talking it out and not spending thousands on a war that was not necessary.

A second reason is simply out of a country's or it's leaders greed. Many times war is started because someone wants to expand their territory. Even if you have enough land to supply your people, you start to get greedy if there is more land that can possibly be used up. This happened in the French and Indian War of 1754-1763, the colonists were fed up with the king and decided to go to the New World to have a fresh start. When they got there the land was already inhabited with the Native Americans. There was a difference in opinion there, the Natives thought the land was rightfully theirs while the colonists did not see a problem with taking the land from these "savages". Even though they ended up coming to an agreement, the colonists got greedy and wanted to expand even further into the Native Americans land. If the colonies had just kept to their own land and didn't rile anything up than there wouldn't be a need for war. But of course there was disagreement and the wars began. This happens many times throughout history, if people get greedy than eventually a war will errupt.

Some countries think that if they send forces into a country to help than those people will greatly appreciate the assistance. Although when they get there that is not how the situation happens at all. Sometimes, even though you are trying to help others out, they don't want any and are offended that someone would want to step and tell them how to run their country. Though a war was not intended by any means, in result of an uprisal, a war may begin. This may have been the case in the American Revoluion, King George may have thought he was "helping" us, but in reality he was only making people angry. This is one of the main reasons war is so unnecessary, it often happens because of simple human faults.

The war in Iraq is most defiantely a result of human faults, although many do not see it this way. The Iraqies did attack our country and change our lives forever. I do beleieve that it is right that we do something to fight back and show them that it's not okay that happened. But, war is most definately not the answer, all this war did was cause even more distruption in our country. When we first went over, within the first few years we had evidently accomplished what was needed, so we could've just sent our troops home and it would be over. But no, we decided to keep our troops over there to help Iraq become a better country and start a good government and military. We have been there for far too long now and the Iraqies don't like us there either; this is quite evident from all the suicide bombings and fighting still happening. People say that we learn from our mistakes, but it is easy to see that we still have not seen how unnecessary fighting a war really is.